Adjectives that Start with W: Wonderful Words - ESLBUZZ (2024)

Adjectives are an essential part of the English language. They help to describe and modify nouns, adding depth and detail to our language. In this article, we will be exploring adjectives that start with W. While it may not be the most commonly used letter in the alphabet, there are still plenty of W adjectives that can be used to enhance your writing and communication skills. In addition to the list of W adjectives, we will also explore the different ways in which adjectives can be used in sentences. We will cover the different positions that adjectives can take, as well as how to use them to compare and contrast nouns.

Whether you are a native speaker or learning English as a second language, expanding your vocabulary is always beneficial.So, let’s dive in and explore the world of W adjectives!

Adjectives that Start with W

Adjectives that Start with W: Wonderful Words - ESLBUZZ (1)


Positive Adjectives That Start with W

Are you looking for some positive adjectives that start with W to add to your vocabulary? Look no further! In this section, we will explore some well-known and lesser-known positive adjectives that start with W.

Well-Known Positive W Adjectives

Let’s start with some of the more commonly used positive adjectives that start with W:

WellIn good health or favorable circ*mstances
WonderfulExtremely good or marvelous
WarmHaving or giving off a moderate degree of heat
WhimsicalPlayfully quaint or fanciful
WiseHaving or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
WittyShowing quick and inventive verbal humor
WelcomingFriendly and inviting
WholeheartedShowing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment

For example, “She gave a warm welcome to her guests with a wonderful smile.”

Infrequently Known Positive W Adjectives

Now let’s explore some lesser-known positive adjectives that start with W:

WackyAmusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
WealthyHaving a great deal of money, resources, or assets
WillingReady, eager, or prepared to do something
WaggishHumorous in a playful, mischievous, or facetious manner
Well-balancedHaving all parts or elements proportionately arranged, harmonious
Well-informedHaving or showing a good knowledge and understanding of a subject
Well-madeSkillfully constructed or produced
Well-to-doWealthy or affluent
Wide-eyedHaving or characterized by an innocent or naive expression or manner
WorthyDeserving respect, admiration, or support
WorthwhileWorth the time, money, or effort spent
Related Huge List of Adjectives That Start with H: Expand Your English Vocabulary Now!

For example, “She was a well-informed and worthy candidate for the job.”

In conclusion, by adding these positive adjectives that start with W to your vocabulary, you can express yourself more effectively and paint a more vivid picture with your words.

Negative Adjectives That Start with W

When it comes to describing something in a negative way, there are many adjectives that start with the letter W. In this section, we will explore some of the commonly used and rarely used negative adjectives that start with W.

Commonly Used Negative W Adjectives

Here are some of the most commonly used negative adjectives that start with W:

WastefulUsing or spending resources carelessly or extravagantly
WeakLacking in strength or power
WearyFeeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep
WornDamaged and shabby as a result of much use
Wretched(of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state
WrathfulFull of or characterized by intense anger


  • The company’s wasteful spending resulted in a huge financial loss.
  • The weak bridge collapsed under the weight of the truck.
  • After a long day at work, I felt weary and exhausted.
  • The worn-out tires needed to be replaced.
  • The wretched conditions of the prison were inhumane.
  • The wrathful customer demanded a refund for the faulty product.

Rarely Used Negative W Adjectives

Here are some rarely used negative adjectives that start with W:

WrongNot correct or true
WasteAn act or instance of using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose
WorrisomeCausing anxiety or concern
WrathlessWithout anger or fury
WretchednessA state of great unhappiness or suffering


  • The wrong decision led to a disastrous outcome.
  • The waste of food is a major problem in many countries.
  • The worrisome news about the pandemic caused widespread panic.
  • The wrathless response from the politician was surprising.
  • The wretchedness of the homeless people on the streets was heart-wrenching.
Related Discover the Top Adjectives that Start with X for Your English Vocabulary

In conclusion, using negative adjectives that start with W can help describe something in a negative way. While some adjectives are more commonly used than others, it is important to choose the right adjective that accurately conveys the intended meaning.

Neutral Adjectives That Start with W

When it comes to describing something or someone, adjectives play a crucial role in conveying the intended message. In this section, we will explore neutral adjectives that start with W. These adjectives can be used to describe different things or people without conveying any particular emotion or bias.

Frequently Used Neutral W Adjectives

Here are some frequently used neutral adjectives that start with W:

WetCovered or saturated with water or another liquid.
WholeEntire; complete; not divided or broken.
WideHaving a great extent from side to side.
WildLiving or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated.
WiryThin but strong and muscular.
WobblyUnsteady; shaky.
WistfulHaving or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing.
WorriedAnxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
WatchfulAlert and vigilant; keeping careful observation.

Infrequently Used Neutral W Adjectives

Here are some infrequently used neutral adjectives that start with W:

WanPale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion.
WakefulUnable to sleep; insomnia.
WhiteOf the color of milk or fresh snow.
WhoppingExtremely large; huge.
WiryThin but strong and muscular.
WeirdSuggesting something supernatural; uncanny.
WeepingShedding tears; crying.
WeightyHeavy; having a lot of importance or influence.

Using these neutral adjectives can help you to describe something or someone without conveying any particular emotion or bias. Here are some example sentences to help you understand how to use these adjectives in a sentence:

  • The wet ground made it difficult to walk.
  • The whole family enjoyed the movie.
  • The wide river flowed peacefully.
  • The wild animals roamed freely in the forest.
  • The wiry boxer was quick on his feet.
  • The wobbly table needed to be fixed.
  • She looked wistful as she gazed out the window.
  • He was worried about his upcoming exam.
  • The watchful guard kept a close eye on the entrance.

In conclusion, neutral adjectives that start with W can be used to describe different things or people without conveying any particular emotion or bias. By using these adjectives, you can communicate effectively and accurately.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some positive words that start with W?

Here are some positive words that start with W:

Warm-heartedKind and friendly
WealthyHaving a lot of money or resources
WonderfulExtremely good or great
WiseHaving or showing good judgement
WinningAchieving victory or success

Example sentence: The wise and wealthy businessman was warm-hearted and always had a winning attitude.

What are some cool words that start with W?

Here are some cool words that start with W:

WackyAmusing in a silly or eccentric way
WanderlustA strong desire to travel and explore the world
WhimsicalPlayfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way
WildExciting or thrilling; unrestrained or untamed
WondrousInspiring a feeling of wonder or admiration

Example sentence: The wacky and whimsical artist had a wild spirit and wanderlust that took him on wondrous adventures around the world.

What are some leadership words that start with W?

Here are some leadership words that start with W:

WiseHaving or showing good judgement
WillingReady to act or comply
WorthyDeserving respect or admiration
VisionaryThinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
WinnerA person or thing that wins or is successful

Example sentence: The visionary and wise leader was willing to take risks and make tough decisions to create a worthy and successful organization.

What are some adjectives from the dictionary that start with W?

Here are some adjectives from the dictionary that start with W:

WaryFeeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems
WavyHaving curves or undulations
WealthyHaving a lot of money or resources
WhimsicalPlayfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way
WittyShowing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor

Example sentence: The wealthy and witty man was wary of whimsical and wavy investments.

What are some commonly used adjectives that start with W?

Here are some commonly used adjectives that start with W:

WarmHaving or giving off a moderate degree of heat
WeakLacking physical strength or energy
WhiteOf the color of milk or fresh snow
WholeEntire; complete
WildLiving or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated

Example sentence: The warm and wholehearted woman had a weak spot for wild and white flowers.

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Adjectives that Start with W: Wonderful Words - ESLBUZZ (2024)


What is a positive adjective beginning with w? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful adjectives that start with the letter W include warm, wise, willing, worthy, welcoming, wholesome, witty, wonderful, winning, and wealthy.

What is a wonderful word that starts with W? ›

Positive words that start with W
  • well-being.
  • wise.
  • warm.
  • well.
  • wholesome.
  • wonderful.
  • world-class.
  • worthy.
Oct 10, 2023

What are 20 words that start with w with meaning? ›

Words Beginning With W That Have 6 or More Letters
warmth (n.)moderate heat or excitementpassion, heat
wander (v.)travel without a purposemeander, stroll
warble (v.)to sing (especially as a bird)trill, quaver, yodel
wellspring (n.)the source of a stream or the source of abundancesupply, source, fount
35 more rows
Jul 12, 2021

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Popular Adjectives That Begin With W With Examples
WaryCautious and watchful
WonderfulExtremely pleasing or excellent
WildUntamed or unrestrained
WinsomeCharming and attractive
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What is another word for wonderful?
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Some of the most used positive & impactful words that start with the letter W include win, wisdom, wonderful, warm, and welcome; and some of the most interesting words include winsome, wanderlust, and wayfarer.

What is a sweet word that starts with W? ›

A few loving words that start with the letter W include: Warmth, Warmhearted, Warmly, Willing, Willingness, Wistful, Wistfully, Wistfulness, Wish, Wisher, and Wishing. Plus, explore more positive words articles: Positive Words That Start with A. Positive Words That Start with B.

What is a cool word that starts with w? ›

Cool Words That Start With W
  • Wacko.
  • Waftage.
  • Wagtail.
  • Wainscoting.
  • Wakerife.
  • Wallydrag.
  • Wamble.
  • Wanchancy.
Jul 27, 2023

What are some helping words with W? ›

Positive Words That Start With The Letter W For Children
Jun 30, 2022

What are fun things that start with W? ›

Some kindergarten W Words For Kids are Wonderful, Watch, We, Wolf, Windmill, Wear, Wagon, Walrus, Will, Waffle, Whale, Winter, Wizard, Watchman, Were, World, Washer, When, Wait, Was, Women, etc.

What is a verb that starts with w? ›

25 Verbs That Start with W
  • Will.
  • Wait.
  • Write.
  • Wash.
  • Wear.
  • Walk.
  • Wave.
  • Wake.

What is a positive adjective that starts with W? ›

Positive Adjectives Starting With W
  • Warm.
  • Warmhearted.
  • Waterproof.
  • Watertight.
  • Welcome.
  • Welcoming.
  • Well-adjusted.
  • Well-advised.
May 12, 2023

What is a noun that starts with w? ›

List of W nouns
NounDefinition + Plural Form(s)
WireMetal that has been pulled out into a thin, flexible thread or rod PLURAL: Wires
WomanFemale human being of adult age PLURAL: Women
WoodTough, fibrous material that makes up the majority of a tree or shrub's trunk or branches, often used for fuel or lumber PLURAL: Woods
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What's a negative word that starts with w? ›

Negative words that start with W
  • wanton.
  • wan.
  • weak.
  • wasteful.
  • whiny.
  • wicked.
  • wonky.
  • weird.
Oct 12, 2023

What is a personality that starts with the letter W? ›

Name starts with W Personality: People whose names start with W may be perceived as independent and strong-willed. They may have a tendency to be adventurous and curious, always seeking out new experiences and challenges.

What are some sweet words that start with W? ›

A few loving words that start with the letter W include: Warmth, Warmhearted, Warmly, Willing, Willingness, Wistful, Wistfully, Wistfulness, Wish, Wisher, and Wishing. Plus, explore more positive words articles: Positive Words That Start with A. Positive Words That Start with B.

What are the most popular W words? ›

Some of the commonly used W Words For Kids are Wedding, Whole, Wheat, Wish, Writer, Window, Wait, Wet, Whatever, Whisker, With, Wristband, Write, Worthy, Witch, Withdraw, Way, Woke, etc.


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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.