Dimensional Doors - Minecraft Mod (2025)

This mod is a Minecraft 1.12+ port of the Dimensional Doors mod originally created and maintained up to Minecraft 1.6.4 by Stevenrs11.
This mod adds several types of Dimensional Doors that allow access to teleportation and extra-dimensional pocket dungeons that can vary from hallways to mazes to treasure rooms to straight-up traps.

Have fun exploring, but be wary of death or falling into the void as you do not want to end up and perish away in the mysterious and nihilistic Limbo dimension!

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NOTE: Descriptions on items in-game may not reflect their current or intended purpose and/or functionality (yet).


Oak Dimensional Door: Easy to make, but not very useful. In dungeons, it will typically lead back to the previous pocket, but sometimes a second Oak Door in a dungeon will lead back to the dimension where the player first entered this chain of dungeons.

Iron Dimensional Door: Placing one in the world will create a new and empty dimensional pocket, a black void in which you can build whatever you want: a small house, a statue, a farm, a huge base, or even a whole city!

Quartz Dimensional Door: Similar to an iron dimensional door, except that all quartz dimensional doors will lead to the player's personal pocket.

Gold Dimensional Door: Very expensive to make but worth it. Leads to a pocket dungeon full of treasures, puzzles, and traps.

Unstable Dimensional Door: Crafted using an eye of ender instead of an ender pearl. Randomly leads to a rift or another door.

Quartz Door: Used to craft the quartz dimensional door

Gold Door: Used to craft the gold dimensional door

Other Doors: Through the door's NBT, it is possible to configure a door (of any kind) to create any type of rift when placed, such as a "dangerous door" which has a 50% chance of leading to limbo and 50% chance of leading to a treasure-filled dungeon. In future versions, such bonus doors will be rarely found in dungeon chests.


Rifts are fractal-shaped tears in the world. They form when a dimensional door is destroyed and is no longer binding together the fabric of reality. To pass through a rift, you can either place a dimensional door on it, or right click it using the rift blade.

They also form naturally in extremely rare formations called "Rift Clusters", which lead to other very far away clusters.

Rifts will grow logarithmically over time. You can use a rift remover to close rifts that got too big, or a rift stabilizer to stop a rift's growth.

Tools and weapons

Rift signature: Creates a pair of rifts linked to each other

Stabilized rift signature: First click binds it to a location, other clicks create rifts leading to that location.

Rift removed: Used to close rifts

Rift stabilizer: Stops the growth of a rift

Rift blade: Teleports the entity you're attacking several blocks away. Right-clicking on a rift causes you to enter it, without having to use a door.


Dungeons are special kinds of pocket dimensions filled with treasures, puzzles, traps, and dimensional doors leading to deeper dungeons. Although it might be tempting to break walls and bypass a puzzle, be careful of monoliths that may be waiting right outside those walls to teleport you to limbo!

A dungeon can either be entered using a gateway, a rare structure that can be found throughout the world, or by using a gold dimensional door.

Fabric of reality

Fabric is the material out of which dungeons are made. It comes in several variations:

Fabric of Reality: Completely black block that absorbs all light. It can be replaced by right clicking with a block, or mined using a silk touch pickaxe. Be careful, this looks exactly like the void in dungeons!

Altered Fabric: Fabric of reality that has been altered to become white, or any other color. White altered fabric is found in personal pocket dimensions. Other colors can be crafted by combining Fabric of Reality with a dye.

Ancient Fabric:Black bedrock-like fabric that surrounds some pocket dungeons

Altered Ancient Fabric: Colored variations of Eternal Fabric. It is uncraftable since eternal fabric is unobtainable, but the white one is found in personal pockets.

Eternal Fluid: Found deep in Limbo, providing a way for players stuck in Limbo to escape


A dark, foggy, and mysterious dimension filled with monoliths, where players who died or tried to cheat in a dungeon end up.


Q: Why am I set on fire when leaving a Pocket Dimension?(Fixed in 1.17+ versions)

A: It's a Vanilla bug. The same often happens if you use Nether Portals built on very low y-levels in the Nether, or, if you are extremely unlucky, anywhere in the Nether, to get back to the Overworld.

Q: When going to Limbo, by dying or jumping into the void, I lose all of my items. Is this intended?(Fixed in 1.17+ versions)

A: At the moment, the only way to enter Limbo is by taunting a Monolith. The only other way to enter is by dying, which, if keepInventory is turned off, will drop all your items.

This is not 100% intended behaviour and we do plan on changing this.


  • Falling into the void should not kill you, but send you straight to Limbo, making you keep your items.
  • Dying in a Dungeon Pocket should send you to Limbo and make you lose your items, however a config option should be added to allow you to keep your items.

We are aware that only a select few Pockets are populated with Monoliths at the moment.

Q: How do I change gateway spawn rates in 5.3.+?

A: Gateways like all other world gen are now done via datapack. Gateways in particular placed_features.

Dimensional Doors - Minecraft Mod (2025)


How do you get out of Dimensional Doors mod? ›

Once you find some Ancient Fabric, step on it. In Limbo, this acts as an "exit" from the dimension, teleporting you to the exit.

What is the command for dimensional doors? ›

To get started, run Minecraft with Dimensional Doors installed and use the command "/dd-create". This will create an empty pocket dimension for you to build in. It used to be necessary to use this command to ensure that the resulting room was oriented properly for exporting.

What are dimensional doors? ›

Dimensional Doors is a mod for Hexxit which allows the player to create or enter areas called Pocket Dimensions. Pocket Dimensions are accessed with Dimensional Doors. These can either be player-created areas, or spawned in by world(s) generation.

What happens when you break a dimensional door in Minecraft? ›

Rifts are created when a Dimensional Door is broken, or when a temporary dimensional door is used. They resemble a changing cloud of white (in a Pocket Dimension) or black (in any other dimension) firework particles, contained within one block.

How to close a rift dimensional door? ›

To use it, throw the item (default key 'Q') or right click on the rift you are attempting to close. It and any nearby rifts will disappear, leaving a puff of smoke, you may remove this puff of smoke by using (default "right mouse button") the rift remover, taking away its durability and the smoke.

Is dimension door visible? ›

Unlike some spells, which require a line of sight to work, you don't need to be able to see your destination to use Dimension Door. However, if you can't see your target spot and don't know what it looks like, you'll have to describe the distance and direction you plan to travel instead.

Does Dimension door cancel momentum? ›

I went back and re-read the spell in the 5th edition PHB and does not state specifically that is does or does not “Preserve Momentum” , but in past editions it was always thought of & usually ruled that 'Yes' , yes it does preserve momentum and whatever direction you are moving as the spell is cast is going to be a ...

Does Dimension door provoke? ›

No, Dimension Door 5e does not provoke opportunity attacks. You can use it to escape from melee combat without risking additional attacks from enemies.

Can you up cast dimension doors? ›

You arrive at exactly the spot desired. It can be a place you can see, one you can visualize, or one you can describe by stating distance and direction, such as 200 feet straight downward or upward to the northwest at a 45-degree angle, 300 feet.

Do druids get dimension doors? ›

The following classes have this spell on their spell list and can cast it: Bard. Druid (Circle of the Land – Coast only) Sorcerer.

What level is the dimension door spell? ›

1 more row

How to use dimensional doors in Minecraft? ›

To use any Dimensional Door, it must be walked through the right way, while facing the door. Walking through the non-portal side of a Dimensional Door will do nothing.

How to get dimension door? ›

How to Acquire Dimension Door
  1. Dimension Door can be acquired by the following classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Trickery Domain.
  2. Dimension Door can be cast by using the following Items: Spaceshunt Boots.
Oct 29, 2023

How to create a pocket dimension in Minecraft? ›

Pocket Dimensions are the small pocket worlds that are created by walking through a newly placed Dimensional Door. By default, this will create a large featureless room (bar the Dimensional Door you came through) with an interior size of 29 x 29 x 29, made out of 4 block thick walls of Fabric of Reality.

How do you make custom dimensions in Minecraft? ›

Adding a new dimension is as simple as creating one file in the data pack. This first dimension adds a new superflat world using the flat chunk generator. When adding to an existing world, make sure to leave and reopen the world! A warning screen will ask you to confirm using experimental world settings.


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.