Text Usage shows tons of texts that were never sent or recieved | T-Mobile Community (2025)

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  • 10 September 2022

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Checked text usage and noticed a ridiculous number of texts incoming/outgoing with a friends number that i talk to a lot. There are blocks where it says 10 plus messages incoming in the same minute and at times and on days we never texted. In a one week time span there are 54 pages of these and we were barely communicating through text. The time stamps also make no sense even if you consider the PST time zone difference.

Has anyone else noticed anything like this?

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  • Casey Legz

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  • 1 year ago16 March 2023

Yes I have the last 6 months on only 1 out of 4 phones. Most numbers like mine and a boss always show correct but they have random text throughout the night when I'm sitting with them. Now the messed up part is that either there is a phone scrambler on one of their ends and their cheating while next to me with no phone in their hand or tmobile is wrong and makes it look like their cheating. Also my phone bill texts are in pacific time and the calls are not. I'm not even in the pacific time zone

Tmobile is close to tearing a family apart.

Userlevel 7

Text Usage shows tons of texts that were never sent or recieved | T-Mobile Community (3) +15

  • syaoran

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  • 1 year ago16 March 2023

I haven't noticed anything like that. What texting app are you using? Have you tried another texting app to rule out the app being the issue?

Syaoran - I am not a T-Mobile Employee but I could use a new job!

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  • hotnik08

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  • 11 months ago 7 September 2023

same here and it's showing pages of texts back and forth with same time stamp. it's incredibly annoying and causing family issues

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Yes! There was a number in my usage detail that showed there were text messages all day back and forth. I hadn't text anyone with a number even close to it. I called the number and it ended up belonging to a 9 year old little girl. Her mother got on the phn asking what I was doing calling her child!

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  • Kevandkat01

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  • 3 months ago 2 May 2024

There are many text messages that my bill says occured between me and my husband at times we bothwere asleep. How is that? I have checked usage on both of our numbers and the times match up, but we were both definitely in bed asleep.

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  • MHwa.ny

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  • 3 months ago16 May 2024

Yes I have the last 6 months on only 1 out of 4 phones. Most numbers like mine and a boss always show correct but they have random text throughout the night when I'm sitting with them. Now the messed up part is that either there is a phone scrambler on one of their ends and their cheating while next to me with no phone in their hand or tmobile is wrong and makes it look like their cheating. Also my phone bill texts are in pacific time and the calls are not. I'm not even in the pacific time zone

Tmobile is close to tearing a family apart.

Same thing happening here. Honestly haven’t been able to think straight or sleep since I noticed a few days ago. It’s a huge relieve seeing your post. Thank you.

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  • Cm7

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  • 3 months ago16 May 2024

Yes I have the last 6 months on only 1 out of 4 phones. Most numbers like mine and a boss always show correct but they have random text throughout the night when I'm sitting with them. Now the messed up part is that either there is a phone scrambler on one of their ends and their cheating while next to me with no phone in their hand or tmobile is wrong and makes it look like their cheating. Also my phone bill texts are in pacific time and the calls are not. I'm not even in the pacific time zone

Tmobile is close to tearing a family apart.

Same thing happening here. Honestly haven’t been able to think straight or sleep since I noticed a few days ago. It’s a huge relieve seeing your post. Thank you.

same thing has happened to me. Anyone get in contact with T-Mobile for any answers?

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  • BmoGurl618

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  • 13 days ago12 August 2024

T-Mobile any answers yet?

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Text Usage shows tons of texts that were never sent or recieved | T-Mobile Community (2025)


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